Tuesday 5 October 2010


We have been filming a short film, in our film we have centred it around two central characters a brother and sister. The sister has terminal cancer and the brother is the only carer for her.
The sister wants to die as there is no cure for her cancer, the brother gives her the drugs to die but then you don't actually see him give her the drugs to die but the next scene is of the brother dropping the sisters mittens on her grave. This is then end of the short film.

Saturday 2 October 2010

3 Point Lighting System

The key light, shines directly upon the subject and serves as its main light source. The Sun often serves as a key light.

The fill light also shines on the subject, but from a side angle relative to the key and is often placed at a lower position than the key (about at the level of the subject's face).
It is usually softer and less bright than the key light.

The back light shines on the subject from behind, often to one side or the other. It gives the subject a rim of light, serving to separate the subject from the background and highlighting contours.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Mise En Scene

Facial Expressions and Body Language
1. Facial expressions provide a clear indicator of how someones feeling
2. If someone is smiling broadly we assume they are happy but we may get a different view if there's scary music
3. Body Language may also indicate how a character feels towards another character or may reflect their relationship.

Positioning of characters and objects in the frame
1. Positioning within a frame can draw attention to an important character or object
2. A film-maker can use positioning to indicate relationships between people

In this image it shows two people on a sofa. You can tell this is a tense moment in the film as they are sitting so far apart from each other. One of the actors Jennifer Aniston is in the 'double cross' she has both her arms and legs crossed. She's defensive and shying away from the other actor, Vince Vaughn. He is more open than she is as he is half looking at her through the corner of his eye. He is not as blocked off as she is his legs aren't crossed and his hand are open. This is quite a comic image also as they are sitting as far away from each other as possible but still on the same sofa.

Colour and Lighting
1. Colour carries certain connotations which may add meaning to a scene (i.e. red= danger or passion)
2. Can give a scene a certain mood
3. Can be used for dramatic effect
4. Can be used to highlight important characters or objects in the frame
5. Can be used to make characters look mysterious by shading sections of the face and body
6. Can be used to reflect a characters mental state/hidden emotions (i.e. bright = happy, dark = disturbed, strobe lighting= confused)

Monday 13 September 2010

Our charcter :)

Caitlin Robbins
Becky Curson
Jess Baker

Laura Shipman is a 16 year old student, on the outside Laura looks like an average girl.
However Laura doesn't fit in with any of her friends, she hangs out with all the popular girls but she never seems to fit in with them, never being invited out with them and she doesn't join in with their conversations.
Even though she hangs out with the "populars" she doesn't look like any of them. She has wirey brown hair, which she now dyes blonde in an attempt to fit in with the rest of her "friends"
Laura feels depressed that she has no one to talk to in her life. She is depressed and has no way to express her feelings, she thinks about killing herself but never has the nerve to do it.

My Character Profile for Pikachu

Pikachu is male, he is one of the characters from the Pokemon series, this was originally a TV series.
Pikachu is a pokemon character from the series Pokemon.
Within the world of the Pokémon franchise, Pikachu are often found in houses, forests, plains, and occasionally near mountains, islands, and electrical sources (such as power plants), on most continents throughout the fictional world. As an Electric-type Pokémon, Pikachu can store electricity in its cheeks and release it in lightning-based attacks.
Ash Ketchum is Pikaschu's owner. In Pokemon they fight with each other.


Sunday 12 September 2010


In media we learnt about Mise En Scene.
Mise En Scene is a french phrase meaning "what is put into the scene or frame"

There are 5 elements of Mise En Scene;
1. Setting and Props
2. Costume, Hair and Make up
3. Facial Expressions and Body Language
4. Lighting and Colour
5. Positioning of the character and of objects.

These are the things I learnt in my Media Studies class.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Opening two minutes of a feature film

"American Beauty" - Lester Burham 

In the opening two minutes of this film, it shows what Lester's life is like. He gets up, has a shower and gets ready for work.
It shows how he is unhappy with his life, he has a wife and a daughter in a typical American suburban neighbourhood.
He believes that his wife is unhappy even though she seems to be all smiles. He also believes that his daughter is an average teenager unhappy with her life, he doesn't think that will change.
Lester is the voice over of this film and he says that he is going to die within the year. He doesn't seem that bothered with that.
His wife seems to be the more successful of the two of them, this is shown when she is driving the car to work and school. This could be inferred to mean that she is the one in this relationship that wears the trousers.

"Jerry Maguire" - Jerry Maguire

In the opening two minutes of this film it shows Jerry's life. It first shows athletes and what their sport is with Jerry being the voice over. He believes that these athletes will become famous and he'll be their agent.
He seems to be a very proactive guy. He is always busy. He says he's the man behind the scenes, he helps get all the sport players to where they are. He always seems to get what he wants, he badgers people into getting what her wants also. He seems a very happy person but towards the end of the clip it begins to show what might be wrong with his life. He says that he might be getting a bit tired of it.
It shows two sports players one who was arrested and he had to sort it out to the media and another sports player who wouldn't sign an autograph for a young boy and this seems to make Jerry think about his job a bit.


Compared to Lester Burham Jerry Maguire seems to be happier on the outside than Lester even though you may think that on the inside they feel the same.
Lester talks about his family, whereas Jerry talks about his job and mentions nothing about his family which might mean that his job means more to him than his family if he has one.
On the outside Jerry Maguire seems to have it all compared to Lester, Lester doesn't seem to enthused to go to work when all Jerry thinks about is his job.

"Early Doors" - Ken

In the opening of this TV show it shows the bartender Ken. He's singing which could mean that he is happy with his life. He's singing whilst he's filling up an expensive brandy bottle with cheap brandy. This shows that he is quite cheap and cons people into buying the expensive brandy when in fact it is the cheap brandy in the wrong bottle.
Even when he is doing the undesirable jobs such as cleaning the toilet he still keeps singing just a loud and cheerful if not louder.
When a customer enters the pub he still sings even though he is not alone anymore this shows that he is comfortable with his personality and doesn't care what this guy thinks of him.


Compared to the two American characters Ken seems to be happier than them even more so than Jerry Maguire, as Ken seems to be content with his life and the other two don't seem to be.

Opening Sequences

"London to Brighton" 
In this opening sequence it shows what could be a mother and daughter, the mother is beaten up and they are in the bathroom which is small and run down. It has graffiti all over the walls, the mother leaves the daughter in the bathroom when she goes to buy food. The daughter is really scared of someone. They seem to be running away from someone, when the mother comes back she tells the daughter she has to go to work. The mother seems to be a prostitute. The opening for this films is very fast and the story started quickly.

"The Graduate" 
This opening is very different to the other openings we have studied. It shows Dustin Hoffman's character on a plane and him getting off the plane. There isn't much happening in this opening. They show the credits during this part of the film so there is something happening during the opening and the audience might not get bored. It also shows that the character is a dull character.

"Napoleon Dynamite" 
This opening is original as the cast and crews names are written on different objects such as, a burger with the directors name on in ketchup, a student card with John Heder's name on. Even the title of the film was on a card with the characters picture on it.  I thought this was very innovative and was good.

I think I might do the opening sequence of "Tormented" or another film.